Introduced by Congress in 1998, the Denali Commission is an independent federal agency designed to provide critical utilities, infrastructure, and economic support throughout Alaska. With the creation of the Denali Commission, Congress acknowledged the need for increased inter-agency cooperation and focus on Alaska’s remote communities.

The Denali Commission is partnering with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to administer a $7 million program to assist victims of crime located in tribal areas of the state. As part of this three year project the Denali Commission will assist Alaskan Tribes through capacity building and technical assistance with the vast majority of the funds set-aside for grants to communities and entities to provide crucial victim services.

The AK TTA will support communities from conception to micro-grant implementation in a culturally informed approach. The AK TTA will provide technical assistance for the administrative reporting to the Commission as well as the Department of Justice’s Performance Measurement Tools including the Subgrant Award Report, Subgrantee Performance Measures Report, and Grantee report. The AK TTA will collect, summarize, and develop reports summarizing services provided. In addition, the AK TTA will compile year-end and grant-end reports documenting the training and technical assistance provided as well as micro-grantee successes for use by the Commission and DOJ.

All application materials are available under Related Documents as well as the Denali Commission website at Applications will not be submitted in Current Closing Date for Applications: May 15, 2020.

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