This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is consistent with the principles of tribal sovereignty and self-determination, and with an all of-the-above energy strategy that recognizes the breadth of energy resources on Tribal Lands, and each Tribe’s right to use them as they see fit. Projects sought under this FOA are fuel and technology neutral. Specifically, DOE’s Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to: Install energy generating system(s) and energy efficiency measure(s) for Tribal Building(s) (Topic Area 1); Deploy community-scale energy generating system(s) or energy storage on Tribal Lands (Topic Area 2); Install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience (Topic Area 3); Deploy energy infrastructure and integrated energy system(s) to electrify Tribal Buildings (Topic Area 4). Application Deadline: December 10, 2020.
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