Living Language Grant Program FY2022 – The funding will focus on small or start-up programs whose objective is to document or build the capacity to preserve Native languages that are losing users, but which still have active users at the grandparent generation.
The Living Language Grant Program (LLGP) seeks to document, preserve, and revitalize languages that are used for face-to-face communication; languages that can be used by a child-bearing generation, but are not being transmitted to children; languages whose only active users are members of the grandparent generation or older; languages whose only active users are members of the grandparent generation or older but who have little opportunity to use them; and languages that serve as a reminder of heritage identity for an ethnic community, but which lack proficient speakers.
These grants will be funded under a non-recurring appropriation of the BIA budget. Congress appropriates funds on a year-to-year basis. Thus, while some LLGP projects may extend over several years, funding for successive years depends on each fiscal year’s appropriations. Current Closing Date for Applications: March 07, 2022.