From the Center for Court Innovation: “In cities across the United States, surges in intimate partner violence and renewed efforts to reduce jail crowding in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have created an environment of heightened threat and reduced resources for IPV survivors. Now more than ever, there is an urgent need for victim advocates, courts, and pretrial services agencies to re-assess the justice system’s response to intimate partner violence at the pretrial stage, with a focus on developing effective, non-incarcerative strategies that work to both ensure safety for survivors and their families, and to promote accountability for individuals accused of violence. With support from Arnold Ventures, the Center for Court Innovation is asking jurisdictions around the country to come together to address this problem by participating in their national survey of pretrial practice in IPV cases.
The survey takes approximately one hour to complete, and can be answered by a range of professionals familiar with the local justice system’s pretrial response to IPV (e.g., pretrial services agent, prosecutor, victim advocates that work with the court system).
Please click here to request a link to the survey.” If you have questions, please feel free to email CCI at