Register Now for the Virtual the National Center for Victims of Crime, National Training Institute & The National Crime Victim Bar Association, National Conference!
Held November 11th – November 13th in Atlanta, Georgia.
During these uncertain times due to COVID-19, the National Center wants to be as transparent as possible regarding the status of our National Training Institute and National Crime Victim Bar Association National Conference. Presently, it is still our plan to host the events in Atlanta from November 11th – November 13th. However, we are introducing a virtual conference component to ensure that the event can proceed if we need to cancel our in person sessions. Details on the virtual event can be found below. You can view the agenda here.
For now, all registrations for the conference will be virtual only, with the option to add on in person registration at a later date.Virtual conference attendees will be able to view a livestream of select presentations, including plenary sessions, over the course of the conference dates.
All attendees will also receive all conference presentations that are not being livestreamed to watch at their own pace.
Conference rates have been significantly discounted to reflect the current plan for a virtual event.
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