The next webinar from the Center for Victim Research is all about victim legal services. Join JRSA Senior Research Associate Kris Lugo-Graulich and NCVLI Executive Director Meg Garvin for “What Constitutes Success? A Conceptual Model for Victim Legal Services for Use in Evaluations, Program Design, and Telling the Story of Your Impacts,” December 8, 2020, at 2:00 pm EST.
While victim legal services have long been identified as a priority for the field, we have lacked a conceptual framework that articulates the ultimate goals of these services, and how the services can promote those goals. Such a framework can help victim legal services providers to:
• better craft programs that provide meaningful legal and social services to crime victims
• better measure the impact of their interventions through meaningful evaluation
• better tell their stories to community, criminal justice, victim services, and funding stakeholders.
This webinar will present the conceptual model, talk about its uses in the field and the successes and challenges with testing it so far, and then invite discussion about participants’ opinions about its usefulness.
Watch this short video of Meg and Kris talking about the upcoming webinar.
Register here.